Dragonball Z Live Movie (2009)
The Story...
An epic story between good and evil, centering on the character Goku and a handful of friends who battle for the Earth against the deadly forces of the Saiyans, who are sweeping across the universe, leaving a path of destruction. Goku and friends' best chance of survival rests with the Namekian DragonBalls, which provide them the power to summon a mighty dragon.
Live-Action-DBZ-Movie FAQ
Q. - Who is directing the movie?
A. – Roland Emmerich, the director of Independence Day, Godzilla, and Day After Tomorrow.
Q. – Who is writing the movie?
A. – Tedi Sarafian, screenwriter of Terminator 3.
Q. – When will be movie be out in theaters?
A. – 2006 (probably summer, since most action blockbusters are released then).
Q. – Does Toriyama have anything to do with it?
A. – DBZ creator Akira Toriyama was hired as the film’s consultant but wanted too much control over it so FOX made him sign a new contract, which basically gave him the boot. :-(
Q. – So, who’s distributing it?
A. –20th Century FOX.
Q – MPAA Rating…what’s it gonna be?
A. – Not rated yet, because the movie has to be finished before the MPAA can give it a rating. But FOX is shooting for a PG-13.
Q. – Hm, who’s doing the special effects?
A. – It was supposed to be George Lucas’s ILM company, but rumor says they’ve bailed out.
Here’s an official (or what could become unofficial when time passes) list of the cast and their pictures:
RAY PARK: “Vegeta”







ORKUT DBZ Official Community:
Dragonball Z Live Movie (2009) UNOFFICIAL TIDBITS:
At this point, probably either "DragonballZ: Unlimited", or "Dragonball Z: Fight for Mankind". The DBZ movie saga is to be 4 episodes long (4 movies). These will most likely be The Saiyan Saga, The Frieza Saga, The Cell Saga, and the Buu Saga. The hair will be very unique. It will be relatively normal but still have "bounce". Goku's uniform will be blue and not orange. Sets are currently being built at the FOX Studios in Sydney, Australia.